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Our Story in Quito, Ecuador

Quito: Making Strides in Gender-Inclusive Urban Mobility

During the SOLUTIONSplus project we made progress towards gender inclusion in Quito's urban mobility. We saw women in key leadership roles, from international coordination and local management to technical positions in vehicle production and operations. This commitment to incorporating women across the board is commendable and paves the way for a more equitable transportation landscape for everyone.

However, we acknowledge there's room for improvement. In our initial phases, data wasn't collected to differentiate the experiences of women and men. This makes it difficult to assess if our solutions benefit all genders equally. We've also identified areas where project reports used masculine language and some training programs lacked gender parity.

We're building on lessons learned from SOLUTIONSplus to inform future initiatives like E-MOVILIZA Project and eMOB and Gender Project in Ecuador.

Here's how we're moving forward:

  • Centering Gender Data: From the very beginning of future projects, we will collect gender-disaggregated data. This will allow us to understand how our solutions impact different demographics and ensure inclusivity.

  • Inclusive Language Matters: We recognize the importance of using inclusive language in all communication. We're exploring the possibility of creating a dedicated workshop to raise awareness and best practices.

  • Attracting and Retaining Women: We will implement strategies to attract and retain women and non-binary people in all aspects of our projects. This will ensure a diversity of voices and perspectives in shaping Quito's future mobility solutions.


Tools and different types of knowledge products on low-carbon urban logistics, cycle logistics, light electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, batteries and e-buses were developed and shared with the city, addressing the gaps identified. 


Four virtual training modules in 2021 - 2023 addressed gaps in low-carbon urban logistics, LEV regulations, charging infrastructure, and e-buses, benefiting Quito and allowing the city to share its initiatives. In 2024 Quito participated in meetings, workshops and the Latin American e-Mobility Forum in Bogotá. 


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In Quito, start-ups Bixicargo, Sidertech & Grupo Miral received seed funding and support for local design and assembly of various light electric vehicles for logistics and passenger transport. Additionally, a pre-feasibility study for electrifying one BRT corridor was facilitated. 

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In Quito´s Historic Center, locally manufactured e-cargo bikes were piloted in 2022 and the e-quadricycles and e-mini vans in 2024, showing significant efficiency gains and emissions reduction potential. A Mobility as a Service (MaaS) app pilot in 2022 saw high student adoption and demand for expanded features. 



Contribution to expanding the scope of Quito´s micromobility ordinance by including LEVs. Quito´s involvement in various e-mobility initiatives reflects its commitment to sustainable transport, highlighted in its City Roadmap developed through workshops involving public, private and academic sectors. 

Achievements in Quito​
In Quito, Ecuador, SOLUTIONSplus significantly advanced electric mobility by implementing two pilot phases, introducing locally designed Light Electric Vehicles (LEV) for last-mile logistics. Phase 1 tested 10 e-cargo bikes, while Phase 2 expanded to include 4 e-mini vans and 4 e-quadricycles, resulting in efficiency gains and emission reductions. The project also provided capacity building on e-buses, developed a Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) app and supported policy advocacy to include LEVs in municipal regulations. Engagement with international funding agencies and seed funding to local start-ups further enhanced the project’s impact, promoting sustainable urban mobility in Quito.

  • Tested 10 e-cargo bikes, 4 e-mini vans, and 4 e-quadricycles & set up a collaborative cross-docking platform.

  • Local universities have been involved in the pilot design and monitoring, as well as in the development of conceptsto continue and scale-up the work conducted by SOL+

  • Developed a Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) app for public transport trip planning, tested with 37 students.

  • Supported Quito Municipality in adjusting the Draft Micromobility Ordinance and developed a city roadmap.

  • Provided 15 women driver licenses for passanger and logistics vehicles. Conducted a workshop with 16 women totrain on bikes and e-cargo bikes.

  • Conducted training modules on low-carbon urban logistics, LEV regulations, charging infrastructure, and e-buses.

  • Pilot participants received permanent custody of the 10 e-cargo bikes, which have transported approx. 300t, traveled 25,000 km, and avoided 6.5 tCO2 emissions.

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Our latest video showcases the remarkable achievements and impact of our project in Quito, Ecuador.

Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) gGmbH

Kopenhagener Straße 31E 10437 Berlin, Germany


Mobility Hub of the Urban Living Lab Center (ULLC) 

ULLC Mobility Hub @UEMI I Gutenbergstr. 71-72, 14469 Potsdam, Germany

©2024 by UEMI

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