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Women in Electric Mobility

Empowering Women in Electric Mobility: A journey of Informing, Inspiring, Initiating, Implementing and Impacting

Discover the principles guiding our Women in Electric Mobility Initiative: Inform, Inspire, Initiate, Implement, and Impact. Through targeted strategies and collaborative efforts, we're igniting change, fostering leadership, and driving impact in the electric mobility sector.

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Inform: Equip Women with the Knowledge and Strategies for Success

Inspire: Motivate and Empower Women to Lead in Electric Mobility

Initiate: Cultivate Collaboration aand Forge Partnerships

Implement: Turn Vision into Action and Create Tangible Solutions

Impact: Scale-up Success, Replicate Best Practices, and Amplify Women´s Influence in Electric Mobility

Why Electric Mobility Matters for Women

Imagine a future where electric vehicles (EVs) hum through city streets, carrying not just passengers, but progress itself. At the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI), we see this future, and we believe a critical force will drive it forward: Women.

For too long, women have faced significant challenges in traditional transportation. Safety concerns, limited opportunities, and underrepresentation in the workforce restrict their mobility and economic potential. But electric mobility presents a game-changer. EVs offer a quieter, cleaner, and potentially safer transportation experience, revolutionizing how women navigate urban spaces.

Electric mobility stands at the forefront of a transportation revolution—one that holds immense promise for improving the lives of women around the world. In many societies, women face disproportionate challenges when it comes to accessing safe, affordable, and reliable transportation options. Limited mobility options can restrict women's economic participation, hinder their access to essential services, and exacerbate social inequalities.


However, electric mobility presents a game-changing solution—a pathway to more accessible, inclusive, and empowering transportation systems. Electric vehicles offer quieter, cleaner, and potentially safer modes of transportation, enhancing the overall mobility experience for women. Moreover, the growth of the electric mobility sector opens up new avenues for women's economic empowerment, from employment opportunities in EV-related industries to entrepreneurship in sustainable transportation solutions. By embracing electric mobility and championing initiatives that prioritize women's needs and preferences, we not only advance gender equality but also foster more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive cities for all.

Enhanced Safety: Improved lighting and visibility associated with EVs can contribute to a safer environment for women. Studies suggest a correlation between better lighting and reduced harassment on public transport.


Economic Empowerment: Electric mobility creates new employment opportunities across the sector, from driving EVs to maintaining them and developing charging infrastructure. UEMI is committed to ensuring women have a fair shot at these jobs, fostering financial independence and economic growth.

Increased Accessibility: Electric vehicles can be a more comfortable and accessible alternative to traditional transportation, particularly for women with specific needs. EVs tend to be quieter and offer smoother acceleration, making journeys potentially more manageable.

Empowerment in Decision-making: Women's active participation and leadership in the electric mobility sector empower them to influence the development and implementation of transportation policies, technologies, and infrastructure that better meet their needs and preferences.


Empower women to lead the transformation of urban transportation through equitable participation and leadership in the electric mobility sector

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Why Women Matter for Electric Mobility

In envisioning the future of urban transportation, one cannot overlook the pivotal role that women play in driving progress and shaping the landscape of electric mobility. Historically, women have faced formidable challenges in traditional transportation systems, ranging from safety concerns to limited economic opportunities and underrepresentation in the workforce.


However, the advent of electric mobility presents a transformative opportunity—a chance to redefine how women navigate urban spaces and participate in the transportation sector. Electric vehicles, with their promise of quieter, cleaner, and potentially safer transportation experiences, have the potential to revolutionize mobility for women. Enhanced safety features, improved accessibility, and new employment opportunities within the electric mobility sector all contribute to empowering women and unlocking their full potential as drivers of progress. By recognizing and addressing the unique needs and perspectives of women in electric mobility, we pave the way for a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable urban transportation future.

Equitable Access: Women's involvement in electric mobility initiatives promotes equitable access to transportation solutions for all members of society, including those traditionally underserved or marginalized, thus advancing social inclusion and mobility justice.

Consumer Influence: Women are significant influencers and decision-makers in household purchasing decisions, including transportation choices. Their preferences and priorities can shape the demand for electric vehicles and related services, driving market growth and innovation in the electric mobility sector.

Diverse Perspectives: Women bring diverse perspectives, experiences, and insights to the development and implementation of electric mobility solutions, enriching the industry with new ideas, approaches, and design considerations that better reflect the needs and preferences of all users.


Workforce Diversity: Encouraging women's participation in the electric mobility workforce enhances diversity and talent pool within the industry, fostering innovation, creativity, and competitiveness while addressing labor shortages and skill gaps.




Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Improving Gender Equality in the Transport Sector

Ensuring mobility barriers don't hinder progress is crucial for women's economic participation. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize this need. SDG 5 targets achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls, including eliminating violence against women and girls and providing access to safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport systems for all.


While governments address the problem, a multi-stakeholder approach is necessary. UEMI advocates for collaboration between decision-makers, transport providers, NGOs, and researchers to create a truly inclusive transportation landscape.

Measures to Address Gender Imbalances

Empowering women in electric mobility requires a comprehensive strategy. UEMI champions a range of interventions across different stakeholder groups:

Legal and Institutional Framework: Removing legal barriers for women in transport (e.g., driving restrictions), legislating against harassment and assault, and mandating GBV (gender-based violence) policies for companies and driving schools.


Company Policies: Developing company policies against GBV, actively recruiting women in all areas of transport, establishing confidential reporting mechanisms for GBV, and utilizing digital tracking tools for safety.


Pilot Projects: Developing projects that target increased women's involvement, offering female-dedicated services (e.g., female drivers for female passengers), and creating asset financing programs specifically for women.


Improved Infrastructure: Enhancing lighting in public spaces and transport stations, installing secure restrooms with baby-changing facilities, and deploying kiosks for GBV reporting at stations.


Safety Features: Including emergency buttons for passengers and drivers, displaying GBV reporting information within vehicles, and designing vehicles with individual seating and accessibility features for women with specific needs.


Training Programs: Conducting training for transport workers on gender sensitivity and GBV reporting.


Public Awareness Campaigns: Running public awareness campaigns on GBV and promoting girls' involvement in STEM education and vocational training in the transport sector.


Data Collection and Research: Collecting data on GBV in the transport sector and understanding social norms to inform future interventions.


The UEMI Projects and Women in Electric Mobility

UEMI's commitment extends beyond our walls. In the coming months, we'll be sharing the powerful stories and impactful findings from our projects such as SOLUTIONSplus, SESA, and TransSafe. These projects tackle the challenges and celebrate the successes of gender equality in electric mobility across the globe – from Latin America to Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Most importantly, we'll be highlighting the remarkable women who are leading the charge. These are the women who have benefited from our projects, who champion sustainable mobility, and who inspire others to join the movement.

Join us as we showcase the transformative power of women in shaping the future of electric mobility. Explore our projects, meet the changemakers, and discover how you can be a part of this exciting journey.

Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) gGmbH

Kopenhagener Straße 31E 10437 Berlin, Germany


Mobility Hub of the Urban Living Lab Center (ULLC) 

ULLC Mobility Hub @UEMI I Gutenbergstr. 71-72, 14469 Potsdam, Germany

©2024 by UEMI

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