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About UEMI

Leading in Sustainable Urban Mobility

The Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) is a global movement driving the transition to cleaner, more livable cities through electric transportation solutions. Launched by UN-Habitat in 2014, UEMI brings together industry leaders, governments, and cities to achieve a shared vision: 


30% electric vehicles

in cities by 2030


How We Work

Transportation is a major source of air pollution, particularly in cities. Electric vehicles offer a cleaner alternative, improving public health and reducing premature deaths.

Sustainable urban development: Electric mobility is integrated with improved urban planning, prioritizing people-centered design and public spaces.

Economic growth: The electric mobility industry creates new jobs and stimulates low-carbon economic development.

Industry and city commitments: Manufacturers, energy providers, and city governments pledge to increase electric vehicle adoption.

Capacity Building: UEMI facilitates knowledge exchange and best practices to accelerate the global shift to electric mobility.

Partnerships: UEMI partners with cities, industries, small businesses, and research institutions to develop innovative electric mobility solutions. Over 100 partners collaborate on real-world projects.

Fellowships: UEMI provides Fellowship opportunities for junior and senior researcher as well as students writing their Master Thesis or pursuing their PhD. 

Projects: UEMI acts as resource centre and provides opportunities for direct collaboration on projects focusing on sustainable urban mobility and the role e-mobility can play in it.

Expert Pool: UEMIs pools expertise, facilitate exchange and initiate implementation oriented actions. 


Mobility Hub of the Urban Living Lab Center (ULLC)


The Mobility Hub of the Urban Living Lab Center hosted by UEMI

The Urban Living Lab Center is co-hosted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Technical University Berlin (TUB) and the Wuppertal Institute, building on the collaboration with UN-Habitat. The objective is to build on a range of joint projects and providing the platform for other actors and projects in the field to broaden and sustain the programme.


The network of Labs and Hubs is meant to support the implementation of action-oriented urban development projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America, boost synergies and minimise duplications. The founding group acts as initial driver of the partnership and provides resources to the development and coordination of the partnership. The intention is that during the course of the programme activities are integrated in the on-going academic and capacity building work of all partners.

What we do

The Urban Living Lab Center provides a space for collaboration among implementation oriented projects in the field of urban climate action. 

The objective is to build on a range of joint projects and providing the platform for other actors and projects in the field to broaden and sustain the programme. The network of Hubs is meant to support the implementation of action-oriented urban development projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America, boost synergies and minimise duplications. 

Who we are

Our dedicated professionals are at the forefront of implementing and demonstrating innovative living lab solutions that drive positive change in urban environments. We are committed to education, equipping individuals and communities with the knowledge and tools needed to create a sustainable future. Additionally, we offer transformative opportunities through the Urban Living Lab Center Fellowship Programme, fostering collaboration and innovation in pursuit of urban sustainability.


We are proud of our vibrant consortium of 22 prestigious universities from across the globe. Each of these institutions is actively involved in creating extensive educational content for our core subjects. These universities have a central role in advancing the frontier of knowledge through groundbreaking theses and case studies that enhance our comprehension of urban living and sustainable solutions.

Living Labs

The Urban Living Lab Center stands out by its dedication to harmonize and exchange various projects. This cooperative method leads to the formation of interdisciplinary knowledge resources, guaranteeing that the experiences gained from one endeavor can enhance and benefit others. By enabling this intermingling of ideas and experiences, the center is propelling urban innovation to unprecedented levels, paving the way for a more vibrant and sustainable future for cities across the globe.



UEMI as an open forum for knowledge transfer and support


With commitments from industry and government, UEMI functions as an open forum for knowledge transfer and support for the take-up of e-mobility solutions around the world. It initiates a process of dialogue and continue to gather commitments from local and national governments as well as businesses on e-mobility targets. The Action Platform has been established with a work programme setting out voluntary international, national and city targets on e-mobility such as the global market share of electric vehicles and total number of passenger kilometres travelled on e-vehicles. While these targets will be voluntary in nature, a global monitoring system will be developed to track progress on implementation.


Based on the Memorandum of Understanding with UN-Habitat, the UEMI secretariat works on the development of national action plans for low-carbon urban development and local implementation concepts to deliver on the New Urban Agenda and the Paris Agreement ( This will support national and local action and international dialogues linked to the UNFCCC and Habitat III processes. To assess the gap between current climate change mitigation actions and efforts required for a 1.5 Degree Stabilisation Pathway national and city-level decarbonisation pathways are being developed by the UEMI in close cooperation with a network of partners from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. ​​

Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) gGmbH

Kopenhagener Straße 31E 10437 Berlin, Germany


Mobility Hub of the Urban Living Lab Center (ULLC) 

ULLC Mobility Hub @UEMI I Gutenbergstr. 71-72, 14469 Potsdam, Germany

©2024 by UEMI

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